Camp Kippewa is located in Monmouth, Maine, which is 15 miles southwest of Augusta (Maine’s capital) and one hour from…
FAQ Group: Kippewa FAQs
How Is The Staff Selected?
All of our counselor staff are required to have completed at least one year of college, with the average counselor…
How Do The Girls Get To/From Camp?
Bus transportation is available to/from Westchester, NY and Newton, MA. We also provide transportation to/from the airport in Portland, Maine…
Do You Have a CIT Or Junior Counselor Program?
Yes! Kippewa has not historically had a CIT (Counselor-In-Training) or Junior Counselor program, but we are excited to make these…
How Much Do Kippewa and Kippewa Point Campers Interact?
Camp Kippewa Point is our two week camp for girls ages 6 – 14. Camp Kippewa Point and Camp Kippewa…