As winter is blowing in, it can be challenging to stay active with the colder temperatures and fewer daylight hours….
Tag: summer
Professional Development: The CampGroup Retreat and the Commitment to Continued Learning
Professional development is very important not only during the summer, but throughout the year. At the CampGroup Fall Retreat, 17 phenomenal…
Healthy Skin and a Healthy Lake!
LET’S TALK ABOUT SUNSCREEN! Sunscreen is one of the staples of camp, summer, childhood, and hopefully adulthood! When we think…
Bringing Camp Home: How Summer Camp Skills Help Us Wherever We Are
PHYSICAL DISTANCE NOT SOCIAL DISTANCE While schools are closing and families are spending more time indoors and at home,…
Summer Sleepaway Camps for Kids: Taking a Step Back (A New York Family Article)
Summer Sleepaway Camps for Kids: Taking a Step Back By Jess Michaels in New York Family Magazine Summer camps have been…
Give the Gift of the Outdoors: How Summer Camp Exercises Your Brain
It may be that when we no longer know which way to go that we have come to our…
The Confidence Gap for Girls: 5 Tips for Parents of Tween and Teen Girls (A NYT Article)
Between the ages of 8 and 14, girls’ confidence levels fall by 30 percent. Fighting it requires taking some risks….
Back to School Brings a New Year
In the camping world, fall brings with it the feeling of a new year. Camp people live from summer to…
21st Century Skills and Summer Camp
21st Century Skills and Summer Camp My Snapchat Ate My Homework and My Ability to Think for Myself: Navigating…