Our cabins are all unique. Almost all of them have screened-in porches, many that overlook the lake, and some of…
FAQ Group: Kippewa FAQs
How Is The Food?
We always get great reviews from campers and staff about our food! Meals are served family-style and are nutritious, well-balanced,…
What Does A Typical Day At Kippewa Look Like?
7:30am Reveille 8:00am Flag Raising 8:15am Breakfast 8:50am Cleanup 9:15am First Period 10:20am Second Period 11:25am Free Choice 12:15pm Lunch 1:00pm Rest Hour/Mail Time 2:00pm Third Period 2:55pm Cookie Call (Snack)…
How Do Girls Choose Their Schedules?
Before coming to camp we ask everyone to select the activities they would like to participate in during the first…
What Does It Mean To Have A Brother Camp?
We are very lucky to have Camp Cobbossee, our brother camp, located less than 1/2 mile away from us on the…
What Happens If A Camper Gets Sick Or Injured?
We have three registered nurses along with a nursing assistant who live at camp in our “Pillbox” (the health center)…
How Does Communication Between Parents / Campers Work?
Campers are required to write letters home two to three times a week during the summer. Parents are allowed to…
What Is Your Package Policy?
We do not allow packages – please make sure friends and family members are aware of this policy. Any package…
What Is Your Electronics Policy?
We want everyone to make the most out of their camping experience by spending time engaged in activities and talking…
Is There A Required Uniform?
No, we do not require uniforms at camp. We do ask everyone to bring a couple of uniform items for…