As winter is blowing in, it can be challenging to stay active with the colder temperatures and fewer daylight hours….
Tag: leadership
Professional Development: The CampGroup Retreat and the Commitment to Continued Learning
Professional development is very important not only during the summer, but throughout the year. At the CampGroup Fall Retreat, 17 phenomenal…
Behind the Scenes of Staff Training: How Staff Prepare For The Summer At Kippewa.
Have You Ever Wondered How Staff Prepare For The Summer At Kippewa? PRE-CAMP TRAININGS AND PROGRAM PREPARATIONS Pre-Camp and…
Summer Sleepaway Camps for Kids: Taking a Step Back (A New York Family Article)
Summer Sleepaway Camps for Kids: Taking a Step Back By Jess Michaels in New York Family Magazine Summer camps have been…
Girls Becoming Their Best Selves – A Podcast Interview With Ginger Clare
Our Camp Director Ginger met recently with the great folks at Campfire Conversation to discuss how we can help girls…
Building Authenticity: Being a Great Leader in Today’s World
Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm. —Publilius Syrus Strong and cultivated leadership in today’s…
21st Century Skills: What Google and Summer Camp Have in Common
What do you want to be when you grow up? That’s a question you have probably heard many times ……
Outside the Lines: Fostering Organic Creativity at Summer Camp
Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an artist when you grow up – Pablo Picasso …
The Summer’s Most Amazing Sleepaway Camps in the U.S. featuring Camp Kippewa
In the age of self-driven cars; stock photo memes (what even is that!?); screens in every room, drawer, and pocket,…
A Leap Into the Unknown: How Working at Summer Camp Can Help You Find Your Life’s Purpose
by Margaret Stockard When I was growing up, I wanted to be three things: a professional tennis player, a musician…